Where To Go
A list of Pagan friendly spaces in and around the Austin area. Pagan supply shops, hangout spots, venues, etc.🔝

Austin, TX
A magical wellness center and mystical arts school providing massage, acupuncture, mystical arts class, tarot reading, yoga, herbal classes and an apothecary. Austin Pagans receive $10 off all services of 60 min.

Austin, TX
A shop providing magickal supplies, teaching, and divination. Ancient Mysteries has supported and been supported by the community for many years.

Red Rock, TX
A winery and campground, hosting several pagan events a year, and owner of Blessed Bee Winery and Coffee Bar in Bastrop, TX. All mead made from organic locally sourced honey.

Red Rock, TX
Home of Earth Spirit People, an organization hosting one of the closest Pan Pagan Festivals to Austin. Ranch located in Red Rock, TX. Private property. Contact before you visit.

Manor, TX
Largest local herb nursery and apothecary, gracious hosts of past Pagan Pride Day events.

Austin, TX
Products magickally made by the movement, light and shadow of the heavens. An Austin Pagan institution for decades, Natural Magick Shop is a staple in the local Pagan community. Products can be purchased online. Visits by appt only.

Austin, TX
All the Rocks, Sage, Crystals, and Singing bowls you need. Located in the center of town, equipped with a Pagan friendly presentation center.

Cistern, TX
Home of The Council of Magickal Arts, Inc, hosting the largest longest running semi annual Texas Pan Pagan Festivals. Private property, please contact before you plan a visit.

Austin, TX
Austin Nightlife spot with an extremely Pagan friendly staff, full bar, food trucks, performances & more. The Vortex is home to several Pagan events.

Austin, TX
Yarrow & Sage is a cooperative storefront featuring local herbalist’s and artist’s handcrafted wares!
A community calendar for meetups, rituals, festivals, and other special events in Austin and surrounding areas.
If you want your event listed, please contact us.

A Different Tradition Each Month
Austin Full Moon Circles is a group of Austin, TX, Pagan leaders willing to lead one or more full moon circles per year, in order to give back to our Pagan community and offer public moon rituals for all. Contact Austin Full Moon Circles to sign up to lead a ritual.
All local Pagan leaders, regardless of Tradition, are encouraged to participate in this intrafaith opportunity. It gives our new seekers a chance to see and meet with leaders of various traditions and ask questions that might lead them to find a teacher or coven/group to join.
FHOC is a non-denominational Pagan congregation operating under the sponsorship of the Post and Circle Sanctuary.
They hold general education classes every Wednesday night from 7:30 – 9pm at The Memorial Chapel on 73rd and Battalion Ave on Main Post across from Popeye’s. They also celebrate Sabbats and Esbats on the nearest Sat at our Circle on Camp Finlayson on West Fort Hood.

Irish Polytheism & Indo-European Paganism
Hearthstone Grove welcomes all types of Pagans to their family-friendly events. They hold at least 28 public rituals throughout the year; 8 high day rituals & celebrations, 13 dark moon rituals, 2 spiritual retreats, other groups’ special events, Pagan and music festivals, etc.
They focus on serving the community and make themselves available for readings, needed prayers, baby blessings, cleansings, handfastings, etc. Contact Hearthstone Grove for more info.
Eclectic Ecofeminist Witchcraft
Tejas Web is an eclectic ecofeminist Witchcraft community centered in Austin, Texas. Inspired by the Reclaiming Tradition of Witchcraft, we offer public rituals, classes, workshops, and weeklong Intensives (aka Witch Camps).

Scarlet Woman Lodge is a local body of Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) under charter from U.S. Grand Lodge. We are a fraternal, initiatory organization that has accepted the Law of Thelema as revealed in The Book of the Law.
Private Groups & Organizations
Private Groups & Orgs
Other Practicing Groups and Organizations.
Want your group or event listed on the site?
Contact us if you want your group, coven, grove, or organization listed on the page and/or events added to the community calendar.
Online Groups & Lists
Facebook groups, email lists, and pages make it easy to join in on community discussion and events!🔝

Facebook Group
An online meeting place for the Austin local community to share ideas, meet fellow Pagans, ask questions, support the community, and more.

Facebook Page
A group for local drummers and others interested in getting together to bang some drums. Events like ‘Barton Springs Drum Circle’ and others are planned dependent on interest.

Facebook Page
As a local celebration of Pagan Identity, they organize Austin Pagan Pride Day, the largest interfaith and alternative religious awareness festival in Austin, TX.

Facebook Group
A group affiliated with 4th Friday Pagan Night Out. Join to receive invites and announcements regarding this monthly event. They meet 7pm, every fourth Friday of the month.

Facebook Group
An inclusive community group for witches of all types from the Austin and surrounding areas to learn and share all things witchcraft.

Facebook Group
A group for the Asatru\Heathen Community in Central Texas. This group isn’t affiliated with The Asatru Community, Inc organization. No discrimination tolerated.

Facebook Group
Hearthstone Grove, ADF is an Irish Polytheist tribe hosting public inclusive events focused on community building & practicing a living Pagan tradition.

Facebook Group
A group stewarded by volunteers from the Pagan community. The PHA hosts both the North and South Austin meetups as well as the ‘Annual Pagan Playshop’.

Student Group
A University of Texas group that’s been operating and providing education and resources to students for over a decade. Contact for meeting info.

Facebook Group
A social networking & discussion group for Pagans, Wiccans, Polytheists, Neopagans, Pantheists and other like-minded people in the San Marcos, TX area.

Student Group
TAPS strives to provide support, education, resources, and opportunities for networking between other students and student orgs in Texas.

Facebook Group
A group bringing together Pagans all over Texas to converse and promote events. Check out the recommended list at the top of the group’s home page.

Facebook Group
A place for pagan business owners and members of the community to share leads and network.

Facebook Group
A group run by community volunteers, dedicated for Pagans looking to sell, buy, and barter items, requesting and offering help; prayers, education, and other such community service.

Facebook Group
A group exclusively for Pagans who want to meet like minded folks.

Facebook Group
A group for local pagan parents with children from infant through 18 to connect with other pagan parents,

Facebook Group
The Pagan Student Fellowship of Texas State University includes students of all paths.
Join the TXST Pagan Hangout group and ask about upcoming meetings.

Facebook Group
This group is for those interested in learning or teaching Hoodoo and aims to put self-power into the hands of practitioners, students, and learners.

Shows and podcasts broadcasting worldwide.
This is a list of community recommended books and blogs related to Paganism, witchcraft, the occult, metaphysics, mysticism, and much more.

Directory of Pagan Owned Businesses.
Need a handy man, graphic artist, massage therapist, electrician, or other services? Browse to find businesses owned and operated by Pagans to support the community.

Shows and podcasts broadcasting worldwide.
A community list of Pagan podcasts and YouTube channels covering topics from herbalism to philosophy.